SDGs Planning ProductsSDGs 企画商品
Based on the concept of SDGs, we will propose social contributions that SARGA can make.
SDGs の考え方を基本に、SARGAが出来る社会貢献を提案します。
This product uses leftover fabrics and fabrics scheduled for disposal without waste. By combining small parts, the fabric is used as little as possible without waste, and the remaining fabric is reused to create the product. SARGA proposes new value-added products and advances the sustainable development goals that SARGA believes in at the pace that SARGA is able to achieve.
□ About Sales
This product will be made by reusing leftover fabrics that are usually discarded after the production of seasonal products is finished. Therefore, the sales period and the number of sales will be irregular and indefinite, and we will announce on SARGA OFFICIAL STORE and Instagram as soon as the product is ready for sale. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
□ 販売について
この商品は、シーズン商品の生産終了後、通常廃棄される残った生地を再利用して作成いたします。よって販売時期、販売数は不定期、不確定になりますので販売準備が整いましたら、随時 SARGA OFFICIAL STORE、Instagramでお知らせいたします。商品企画の都合上、ご理解、ご協力をお願いいたします。
□ Material
It is made of cotton, which is gentle to the environment and skin. It is also made of thin jersey material, which is soft, non-sticky, and can be used in all seasons.
□ 素材
環境と肌に優しい綿素材を使用 しています。ポリウレタンを5%入れ伸縮性に優れています、また薄いジャージ素材を使用していますので、柔らかく蒸れず、オールシーズン使用できます。
□ Tailoring
By combining small parts, the fabric is used as much as possible without wasting it, resulting in a simple, simplified tailoring with added value as a design. The fabric is cut off to take advantage of the characteristics of the material, and carefully tailored with a design stitch called a staggered sewing machine to create a product that cannot be imitated by others. The mouth of the hat is double layered with a color scheme, so it holds the wearer firmly in place with the accent of color.
□ 仕立て
□ Design
The fabric is tailored as it is cut off, resulting in a light, casual design. Enjoy coordinating with this season's MONO series.
□ デザイン
生地を断ち切りのまま仕立て、軽くカジュアルなデザインとなっています。今シーズンのMONO シリーズとのコーディネートを楽しんでください。
c/#90 BLACK 黒
c/#99 BLACK×WHITE(horizontal stripes)
c/#100 BLACK×WHITE(vertical stripes)
Front fabric:95% cotton, 5% polyurethane
表地:綿95% ポリウレタン5%
□ SIZE(cm)
【 SIZE:F 】
around the head:50.0cm